the street from higashioji-dori street to kawabata-dori street is a narrow one-way street that is a mix of residential and commercial elements . 東大路通から川端通までは西行一方通行の狭い道で住商混在の通りである。
it is a narrow one-way street excluding the section between shichijo-dori street and shiokoji-dori street which consist of two-lanes on each side . 七条通と塩小路通の間のみは片側二車線であるが、それ以外の区間は一方通行の細い道である。
visitors proceed from kurama station , pass the bottom of the stone steps , walk through a one-way street in the direction of kurama hot spring , across the river running behind the houses at kurama , and proceed south . 鞍馬駅より石段下を通り鞍馬温泉方面への一方通行で、そこから鞍馬の民家の裏側を流れる川の反対側へ渡り、南へ下る。
the street from karasuma-dori street to tomikoji-dori street is a one-way street which heads east , but the street west from karasuma-dori street becomes a two-way street with one lane on each side , except for one part . 烏丸通から富小路通までは西行きの一方通行の道だが、烏丸通から西は一部を除きほぼ片側1車線の両方通行の道路になる。
for shigagoemichi road which is also called kyoto/shiga prefectural road 30 shimogamo-otsu line , access is gained through shirakawa-dori street and higashioji-dori street because it becomes a narrow one-way street south-west from mikage-dori street . 京都府道・滋賀県道30号下鴨大津線とも称される志賀越道は御蔭通から南西は一方通行の狭い道路になるため、御蔭通が白川通、東大路通からのアクセスを担う。